[Event] Trick Eye Museum Singapore with The Influencer Network

by - 12/23/2015 12:50:00 AM

Have you ever been to the Trick Eye Museum Singapore?

I recently got the chance to go after they revamped the place and added new themed zones and a 4D (yup not 3D) concept!
Couldn't get anyone to join me but when my kareshi told me he's meeting his friend at Vivo... I felt like it was a sign ((´∀`*))ヶラヶラ It was his first time at the Trick Eye Museum and for Kelvin, it was his first time going to experience the revamped version!! 

Not gonna reveal the ENTIRE area but here's a few shots from the night!!
I mean...a little bit of mystery will make y'all go to the museum, right? *grin grin*
With Jasmine
She's such a sweetie and this is our 2nd time going to the Trick Eye Museum!!

The boys were very proactive in being the models for the night.
They were very VERY calculative. Like, 'need to put hand slightly higher, place this here, angle of camera here, etc.'. You can see the amount of effort they put into each shot. 
Here's one to start ↓
Bayu being a supportive friend (`・~・´)
Poor Kelvin....

I fail miserably at the lying down/pose properly sections but the 4D concepts are great for trick eye noobs (like myself). 4D means that it also includes real objects that you can pose together with!  
This one enjoys trolling every single zone we go to ε-(•́ω•̀ ) 

If you thought that only couples, families, or girlfriends enjoy the Trick Eye Museum... you're wrong! This place is also a great place to come with a group of guys (๑´ㅂ`๑)b
Can you feel the bromance tonight~?

Although they have an example of how you should take a photo, you can always let your creative juice run wild.
Are you thirsty~? 

WHY! Why you being so mean! ٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Everyone else was doing the prayer pose or the sad, puppy eyes look but this one...
This one decided to be a meanie. At first he wanted to pretend like he's going to light it up with a lighter or pose next to her with the ドヤ顔( ・´ー・`) but since we didn't have a lighter, he decided to do this pose instead. 

Bumped into Zong Han too! (ZaTaYa Yummy) He's soooo adorable!! 
His recipes on his blog is AMAZING !!! You need to check it out!! I loved the Peppermint White Chocolate Brownie and it was great seeing him again~.

Using your own props is also a fun way to make the photos unique! Who said you can't create your own theme/story behind the photo?
Are you thirsty~? (Pt. 2) Even though there's a HUGE waterfall next to you. LOL

I admit I'm also guilty of some troll moments...
I saw an opportunity and I had to take it *shrugs*
The stares that I got while taking this photo...。゚(゚^∀^゚)゚。LOL

You can literally spend the whole day taking photos at the Trick Eye Museum. 
At one section, you can take almost 5++ types of photos and since there's now 6 different themed zones, get your extra battery prepared because it's gonna be a long day!! 

This was my personal favorite in the whole museum...
My ride back!! 
This is also another example of the new addition in the museum! 
I've been to the Trick Eye Museum before the revamp and I can tell you that you'll enjoy the revamped area!! There's more things to do, sections including multimedia (it's SUPER hilarious) and it's great for couple/group photos!!

I you're coming as a couple or with a bestie, I also recommend bringing a tripod! 
I feel bad asking for people to take a photo since they're also busy taking their own pics and don't want to disturb them.
If not you can go on a double date or go with a smaller group of friends so you can help take pics for each other! Thankies Kelvin for helping take this shot! Can't you tell how happy my kareshi is taking a photo with me? lol

It's also a great way to bond with people! 
Although this photo doesn't really back up what I just said, it's a great way to spend quality time with the people you love and care about. I saw a few bloggers bringing their mama along and I kinda wished my mama was up for these kinda things too so that we can take pics together! 
Still happy that I got to spend time with Bayu and Kelvin tho!! 

Let's end the day with a....
GROUP SHOT~!!!!!!! 
Can you spot me?

I also got my very own Trick Eye Passport!! 
witj this baby i can go to all the branches in the world for free!!

You can get yours too!! Just join the steps below!

Win an exclusive pair of Trick Eye Passports which entitles you free admission to ALL the Trick Eye Museum branches in the world + a S$25 Starbucks card!

Contest Period: December 2 2015 ~ January 31 2016!!!! 

How to Participate:
Step 1: Take your very own 'follow me to' creative shot at any backdrop within the Trick Eye Museum. Examples are like the poster above. 

Step 2: Submit your entry by posting the photo on your personal Instagram account.
Follow @TrickEyeMuseumSG & Hastag #FollowMeToTrickEyeSG.
For the Terms & Conditions check out the link here

If you're looking for somewhere to go with your friends, partner or family this holiday... the Trick Eye Museum is definitely the place to go!

A huge thank you to the The Influencer Network for the invitation and for an awesome night!


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