[Food x News] McDonald's Quarter Pounder Jewelry Burgers!

by - 7/06/2013 10:52:00 PM

Sorry for being MIA again (◞‸◟;)
Been super busy with school and exams (╥Д╥ )

So today I wants to do a quick post about something at caught my eye.
Usually it would be food, food, anime, makeup, or food LOL

Now lemme present to you...

(Costs ¥1,000!!!! SHO EXPENSIVE) 
This is a limited premium burger that was introduced by McDonalds in Japan!


So the Jewelry Burger started as of today!!!
So let's check out the burgers!
The first Jewelry Burger! 
The Gold Ring!!!!!

Quarter Pounder Gold Ring
A Golden, Shimmering Pineapple and a thick, smokey bacon that has been supervised by a Dutch Meat Meister is combined by a quarter pound beef patty and smooth Monterey Jack Cheese that matches perfectly with the crispy Kaiser bread.

Please enjoy the flavorsome BBQ sauce, using more than 10 types of spices, that is matched with the sweet flavor of the pineapple.


The second Jewelry Burger! (◍›◡ु‹◍)☆
Quarter Pounder Black Diamond
The black truffle, also know as the 'black diamond', is deglazed into a truffle sauce and the quarter pound beef patty, flavorsome grilled mushroom, grilled onion and Emmental cheese is combined with a brioche that uses an extravagant amount of egg yolk, which brings out a natural sweetness.

Please enjoy the deep flavor of the beef and truffle sauce.

This is the burger I wanna try!! ( ´艸`)ムププ
I'm heading back to Jakarta on Sunday so I'm gonna try my luck to get my hands on this baby!
٩꒰ಂ❛ ▿❛ಂ꒱۶♡


The third and final Jewelry Burger! (。◕ω◕。)
Quarter Pounder Ruby Spark
5 slices of premium chorizos, that has been supervised by a Dutch Meat Meister, and a rich avocado filling is matched with a quarter pound beef patty, jjalapeños, and the spicy pepper jack cheese. These ingredients are combined together with a thick, crispy French style bun.

Please enjoy the contrast of The smooth avocado sauce and stimulating chorizo.


Details of this special burger event ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"
Dates: July 6, July 13, and July 20
Time:  10:30AM - 4:59AM (of the following day)
*  only available for one day, limited quantity. Event will last depending on availability 
* 5 burgers per person (order). 
* not available in selected stores
* vouchers and coupon can't be used 
* available at the breakfast McDonalds stores after 10:30AM.


SO! This is the recent food news in Japan lol
I promise I will update my blog more and do more reviews on products in Japan!!
I'm actually gonna be doing a giveaway soon so stay tuned and have a great weekend everyone!
 ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄₎◞ ̑̑ෆ⃛


For more details check out the Quarter Pounder Jewelry page 


Which burger would you like to try?



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