[Beauty x Review x GIVEAWAY!] Bio-essence Bio Spring Water!

by - 1/22/2013 02:19:00 AM

*<(●´з`)ノ*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・Sponsored Review ・*:.。. .。.:*・゚゚・*ヽ(´ε`●)>* 

Today's Review is sponsored by... 

Thank You So Much!

So before we get started to the  review let me tell you guys more about Bio-essence!


About Bio-essence

"Bio-essence has always been on the forefront of innovation to develop effective new products catering to the needs of the consumers and offering a variety of highly popular products to help women and men achieve and maintain gorgeous, healthy skin. Today, Bio-essence with more than 100 products under the brand, including  popular ranges like the Shape V Face series (Anti-aging), Tanaka White series (Whitening), 24K Bio-Gold with Bird’s Nest series (Eye, face and neck care) , HydraSpa series (Hydration) as well as Celebrity’s Choice series (Body care) and Nugeno series (Men skin care) out of which many has clinched awards from retailers like Watsons, Guardian and Giant for best selling and most wanted items under facial, eye and body care; Numerous awards were presented by female magazines including Herworld, Female, CLEO, Singapore Women’s Weekly for outstanding performances in product efficiencies as reviewed and voted by the editors and readers over the years. Some top selling products include the Bio-essence Face Lifting Cream (Over one million bottles sold and ranking No.1 Sales for individual performing SKU for 7 consecutive years from 2004-2010), Radiant Youth Essence and Deep Exfoliating Gel. Bio-essence is also the brand synonymous with open and public mega challenges to prove its advertising claims. It has held more than 10 public challenge events across Asia each involving more than a hundred people. Consumers were able to instantly see, measure and prove the efficiencies of the Bio-essence products through photographs on the spot."
 (From the Bio-essence website)


About the Product

"Uniquely low in mineral content yet rich in trace minerals to ensure 2X cooling, soothing, softening, moisturizing and anti-irritating effects."

 With just a spray, Bio-essence Bio Spring Water gives the best soothing, non-irritating, and calming effects on all skin types!
With a unique combination of Spring Water & Bio-Energy Fluid through Bio-technology...
this product contains minerals to promote blood and oxygen circulation.

Your skin suffers from fatigue and dullness from all the environmental aggressions
& mineral deficiencies. Trace minerals are essential minerals required for the human health.
It promotes the skin's healing process and a sufficient amount of hydration to improves
the skin's condition.

A higher mineral content releases more energy & heat can dehydrate the skin.
Optimal pH value of 6.45 is closest to the skin's natural pH value.
In addition, a low in Sodium Chloride of 2.432mg/I absorbs the least of your skin's moisture and ensures the optimal amount of moisturize to your skin. 

 The Bio Spring Water is for both genders, all age groups, and not just for your face!
Here's how you can use Bio Spring Water!
Awesome right??


20 Efficiencies

Well this product promises A LOT of things!
Want to know what this product will help with?

For the Hair:
Relieves dryness & split ends
Moisturizes for lustrous hair (especially for dyed hair)

For the Skin:
Relieves tiredness & energizes the skin
Reduces dark circles
Controls oil
Whitens & brightens skin
Relieves pimples
Refines pores
Lifts skin
Reduces eye bags
Relieves sensitive skin
Use after make-up for a natural look
Soothes skin after treatments
Moisturizes & nourishes skin
Firms skin with elasticity

For Body:
Refreshes & soothes skin after exercise
Soothes & calms damaged skin

For Babies:
 Ideal skincare for babies
Soothes diaper rashes

Quite a lot of things ya?
Excited to use this product!!!!



Check out some of the testimonials!!!!!!!!



How to Use

Hold the bottle not less than 20cm from the targeted area
& spray onto your face/skin/hair and

gently pat it dry (unless it is after makeup).



My face after applying makeup & the Bio Spring Water!
Face feeling fresh~ 



So I decided to take a few pics of me throughout the day to see how well the product works!

 Still not too oily!
*thumbs up* 
Slowly starting to see my cheek area getting a tiny bit oily...
*touch up makeup and sprays*

Ya... after a long day you can finally see how oily my face becomes T_T
*censors face*


 My Thoughts

I thought that the pictures speak for itself!
I thought this product helped control my mad crazy oily skin!
(especially my T-zone area)

Alright after 7PM I did touch up once and then it lasted really well all the way till 11PM!
Including a meal and walking around the super humid Singapore weather.
 This product really helps finish my makeup and control the oiliness.

When I was working, I sprayed this often because I'm stuck in an air-conditioned room for 7-8 hrs so my skin starts to feel dry and in need of moisture...which was when I just sprayed this baby on!


Keen on trying out this new product?
Well you're in luck!!!
Bio-essence was kind enough to sponsor a giveaway!!!!
 Thank you so much Bio-essence for my first sponsored giveaway!

I'll be giving away...
 3 bottles of travel sized Bio Spring Water (25ml)!
These are perfect to bring to the gym, workplace, makeup bag for a perk-me-up!
 Want to get your hands on one?

Be a follow of my blog


Just leave your...
① name
② email
Why you want to try the product

This giveaway will be open until

February 4!!

Good luck everyone!

This giveaway will be for locals only.. which means
For Singapore residents only! 

Giveaway is now CLOSED!
Thank you so much for everyone who participated~!
I have done a random draw and these are the lucky winners for
the Bio-essence Bio Spring Water Sample!

Congratulations to...


I'll be contacting you very soon to ask for your mailing details!
\( ^0^ )/


For more details about Bio-essence,
check out the links below!

Bio-essence Facebook page here
Bio-essence website here



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  1. cindy
    why do I want this?? Isn't it obvious because this is just toooo awesome in our skin!! miracle as it says :D

  2. Hi Kiyoko,

    I am not sure which method do I need to follow you, but I have Follow by Email.

    Name: Kolina
    Email: kolinayeo@yahoo.com.sg
    Why you want to try the product: I want to try the product because it seems to target for my skin type. I have acne-prone and sensitive skin that redden after almost each cleansing. Seeing the commercial that says that it can be used to relieve pimples and redness attracted me to it. I am using Avene Thermal Spray Water now, but I want to give Bio Miracle Water a try and if it works on my skin, I can have alternative choices between Avene's and Bio-essence's. My hair is also very frizzy and dry, therefore knowing that this Miracle Water can be used on hair as well is a bonus for me. Sometimes the skin on my arms itch too, and many times I unknowingly scratched until the skin was damaged with lines of scars and I think I seriously need something to ease that itch. I want to use the Miracle Water to ease all itches, redness and pimples, as well as to moisturise my dry, frizzy hair.

  3. Name: JJ

    Email: joonjiet@gmail.com
    Why Do I want This product: Let's see...like you I work in the office 7-8 hours a day and the aircon really drys the moisture out of my skin, especially my face. Not to mention the constant stress that I am getting daily - which will actually put more tense to my skin. I really want to try this so that I could helps to freshen up my face or probably my day, given the nature of my job (how am I still with my company? I wonder). I also have a sensitive skin and i seriously need something to keeps it moisture and maintain its fairness.

    Just a Metro guy dropping by.

  4. Name: Tammy
    Email: hellotammytew@gmail.com
    Why I want to try! I have an incredibly oily T-zone and naturally, that brings up acne problem around that area :( Finding the perfect oil control product has definitely been quite the challenge for me as I find that the products that I've picked in the past.. in turn.. trigger another problem for my skin-> such as making me red.. and look like the red nose reindeer:( This would be the perfect quick fix for my crazy hectic schedule! + not look like a reindeer anymore;)

  5. Name: Charlotte
    Email: charlotte_ngkl (at) yahoo.com.sg
    Why I want to try this: I have really long days at school with back-to-back lessons and this would help in keeping me stay alert and fresh in school! Plus I have airconditioned classrooms and my skin gets really dry :(

  6. A concluding a draft. I’m looking retrograde to men skin care reading it one Congratulation! There’s nothing more fun than that initial inspiration, except maybe the consummation of of these days!
