[Life x KEY guides] Promise Yourself

by - 7/23/2012 11:40:00 AM

image from: http://ameblo.jp/sanaepon/entry-10282864710.html

Recently I received a really good inspirational quote from my friend...
so I decided I should share it with you guys!!

Here it is!

Promise Yourself

To be strong that nothing
can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness,
and prosperity to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel
that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything
an make your optimism come true.

To think only the best,
to work only for the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past
and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large to worry, too noble for anger, 
too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world,
not in loud words but great deeds.
To live in faith that the whole world is on your side
so long as you are true to the best that is in you."

- Christian D. Larson


In life we all set goals for ourselves,
but think about it.

"I promise that I will be a better person"
"My goal is to become a better person"

My friend told me that there's a higher chance of
failing to succeed in completing the goal!
(uh oh...)

That explains a lot though...
All my new year's resolution were like...
'my goal is to blah blah blah blah blah'

So why don't we start by making promises to ourselves
and to those you love?


Here are my promises to myself...

1. I promise to become an independent woman in all aspects
(financially and emotionally)

2. I promise that I will rise up the job ladder 
*climbing up right now*

3. I promise that I will always be happy in life

4. I promise that I will work hard at improving myself
that I won't have time criticizing others

5. I promise to love myself for all my flaws and weaknesses
and to turn those into my strengths 

4. I promise to think well of myself and to show it to the world
through deeds and not words

5. I promise to always stay true to myself

6. I promise to never take my friends and family for granted


These are just a few of my promises to myself!
I have a lot more but the moment I start writing every single one down...


What do you promise yourself?


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