A New Chapter Begins... Hello!

by - 5/02/2012 10:23:00 AM

After a VERY long break of not blogging and some anti-socializing,
I'm ready to get back into blogging!


I decided on the title, 'The Perfect Imperfection', because I think it's I feel about myself.
Instead of just putting my name down as the title, I wanted something that...defined me!
My bestfriend, Tammy, has a blog on onsugar called “Distorted Frames”, and her story behind that name is so deep but it truly defined who she was!
That got me thinking, “What defines me?”
I always had a self-esteem issue but after being born again in Christ, I realized that in his eyes...
I am perfect.

Although the world/society/media may not agree to it... I realized that I am perfect in every way and the imperfections that I used to hate... is what makes me perfect!

There were also a few quotes that really touched me and I think these quotes played an important role on my decision to choose this name for my blog:

A diamond with a flaw is worth more than a pebble without imperfections.”
- Chinese Proverb

Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius
and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”
Marilyn Monroe

Your imperfections are what make you perfect.”
Steven Monaco

I am perfectly imperfect, beautiful in my flaws,
sure of my insecurities, absolute chaos... a beautiful disaster.”
- Unknown

There is a kind of beauty in imperfection.”
Conrad Hall


I'll be mostly blogging about what I love which is...

Anime (what I'm watching/loving, what's new, the otaku world/news!)
Arts and Craft (my mini creations that I make!)
Fashion (haul, what i like on my magazines, etc)
Food (cooking & dining)
Games (dotA, L4D2, iphone games, etc.)
Makeup (hauls, reviews, etc.)
Music (favorite song... maybe even a cover?!)

Besides that i'll be updating you on my life!

BUT!! That's not all~
In this blog I'm planning to do something different...
Which I will update you more in the following weeks to come!

So here's a start of a new chapter in my life...
How exciting is this?!?!


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