[Music x Lyrics Translation] JUJU「さよならの代わりに」
I'm a huge sucker for music...
especially songs with really awesomeness lyrics!!!!
I love translating too (part of my job)
So...I decided to use my translating skills to translate some of my favorite songs!!
These translations are done by me so if you would like to repost...
Please don't forget about me!!! >_<
*cough cough* that mean's I want some sort of credit *cough cough*
Sometimes I may post some songs that I'm in love with (mostly K-POP... I LOVE K-POP!!)
Of course I have no idea how to read or speak Korean...so I'll be posting lyrics done by other people
If not I'll just listen to the song and be like...
The first song that I'll be sharing with you is a sad love song by... JUJU!
I love her voice and a lot of her songs are AWESOMENESS!!
I posted this on my tumblr before but I decided to be more active on my blog so...REPOST TIME!!!
JUJU 「さよならの代わりに」
JUJU "Instead of Saying Goodbye"
If you would like to listen to the song... click here
もう 言わなくていいよ これ以上
You don’t have to say anything anymore.
お互い苦しいだけ 分かっているから
I know that it’s just painful for both of us
お互い苦しいだけ 分かっているから
I know that it’s just painful for both of us
ねえ そんな表情(かお)するの 初めて知ったよ
Hey, I didn’t know that you made that kind of expression
どんな時も あなただけ 見て来たはずなのに
Even though I was only looking at you
Even though I was only looking at you
ふたりで いるのに 淋しいね
Even though we were together, it was lonely, wasn’t it?
隣にいても 届かない 想いがあるなら
Even though we were next to each other,
隣にいても 届かない 想いがあるなら
Even though we were next to each other,
there was this feeling that couldn't reach to you.
最後の嘘は やさしい嘘がいい
I want the last lie to be a gentle lie
いつもみたいに 微笑って
いつもみたいに 微笑って
Please laugh for me like you always do
平気なふりで 出逢った頃のような
平気なふりで 出逢った頃のような
Please act like everything’s all right, just like the first time we met
With a smile
つないだ手放すから さよならの代わりに
I’ll let go of your hand, instead of saying goodbye
一度だけ抱きしめて さよならの代わりに
Embrace me one more time, instead of saying goodbye
そう 幸せな瞬間(とき)が 多いほど
Yes, the more happier moments we spent together
思い出はこの胸で 深い傷になる
The memories leave a deeper scar in my chest
ねえ こんなに確かに 感じるぬくもり
Hey, even though I can feel this sense of warmth
触れることさえ できないね もう明日になれば
When tomorrow comes, I’ll no longer be able to touch you
どうして 心は 離れるの?
Why are our hearts growing further apart?
答えが欲しい わけじゃない 二度と会えないなら
答えが欲しい わけじゃない 二度と会えないなら
It’s not that I want an answer, since we’ll never meet again
最後のキスは かなしいキスでいい
It’s all right if our last kiss is a sad kiss
言葉なんて いらない
言葉なんて いらない
I don’t need any words
こんなに愛して そして愛された
こんなに愛して そして愛された
I loved you so much, and you loved me so much
That’s all I need
そんなに 切ない 瞳で
With those eyes full of sorrow
迷わせないで 見つめないで
迷わせないで 見つめないで
Please don’t make me feel lost, Please don’t look at me
涙が あふれそう
涙が あふれそう
Tears are about to come out
Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye…Don’t say
Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye…Don’t say
Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye…Don’t say
Goodbye Goodbye…言わないで
Goodbye Goodbye…Don’t say
Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye…まだ
Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye… not yet
Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye…まだ
Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye… not yet
あと少し 今だけは
Just a little longer, for now
最後の嘘は やさしい嘘がいい
I want the last lie to be a gentle lie
いつもみたいに 微笑って
いつもみたいに 微笑って
Please laugh for me like you always do
平気なふりで 出逢った頃のような
Please act like everything’s all right, just like the first time we met
With a smile
つないだ手放すから さよならの代わりに
I’ll let go of your hand, instead of saying goodbye
一度だけ抱きしめて さよならの代わりに
Embrace me one more time, instead of saying goodbye
Singer: JUJU
Lyrics: Kobayashi Natsumi
Music: Jeff Miyahara and Yuichi Hayashida
Translation: Kiyoko Yasuda